The National Social Security Institute (NSSI) celebrated its 20th anniversary with the conference “20 Years National Social Security Institute – Achievements, Challenges and Prospects”.

The event held on April 12th 2016 in Sofia Hotel Balkan brought together many representatives of the connected with the social security institutions in Bulgaria.

The conference was attended by former Governors of the Institute, all Ministers of Labor and Social Policy since the establishment of the Institute in 1996 till now, representatives of legislative and executive authorities, partner organizations and international institutions. Congratulations for the anniversary were addressed from the President of Bulgaria – Rosen Plevneliev, the Chairperson of the Bulgarian Parliament – Tsetska Tsacheva, as well as from many other national and international organizations.

The event was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy – Ivaylo Kalfin, who is also the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of NSSI. He highlighted the main stages of the development of the social security in the country, paying special attention to the significant contribution of the employees of the Institute who have been carrying out all the reforms in the sector over the past two decades.

Congratulations on the anniversary headed the Minister of Finance – Vladislav Goranov, the Chairperson of the Labour, Social and Demographic Policy Commission at the Parliament – Dr. Hassan Ademov and the Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Commission at the Parliament – Menda Stoyanova.

In his report on the occasion the Governor of the National Social Security Institute – Biser Petkov stressed that the successes achieved in the administration of the social security for the past 20 years are result of the professionalism, the responsibility, the hard work and the diligence of all employees of the Institute. He pointed out that the Institute enters the third decade of its development with a clear vision and strategy for the future. Mr. Petkov made a brief review on the history of the social security institutions in the country, the main activities administered by the National Social Security Institute over the years and stressed on the successful development of the electronic services of NSSI and their importance for the improvement of the services for the citizens.

In the first panel, reports were presented by the members of the Supervisory Board of NSSI – Asia Goneva and Stanimir Tsotsov who represent trade unions’ and employers’ organizations in Bulgaria. Lectors in the second session were the special guests – Dominique La Salle – Director of the Social Security Development (SSD) Branch at the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the General Director of the Austrian pension insurance institute (Pensionsversicherungsanstalt) – Dr. Winfried Pinggera and Dr. Wolfgang Schulz-Weidner – represntative of the German Social Insurance – European Representation in Brussels and coordinator of the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) Pension Committee.

The anniversary conference of the Institute ended with discussion and award ceremony for individuals with significant contribution to the development of NSSI and the Social Security System in Bulgaria.

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